Call Quality Test

Written by Bondi Labs
Updated 3 years ago

This test will require that you organise a time with your Bondi Labs representative. Please contact your representative either via email to do so.

To do before the test:

  1. Obtain a laptop that can run Chrome web browser, has webcam and microphone and can connect to your plant Wi-Fi network
  2. Ensure the laptop will automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network used in the plant. 

To do during the test:

  1. Before entering the plant open up Chrome web browser on the laptop and go to a URL provided in the Checklist that was sent by your Bondi Labs representative. This will create a video chat connection between the two of you. You can close the lid on the laptop, putting it into standby mode. 
  2. Enter the processing plant and go to a key location you would expect to conduct remote inspections. Please ensure it is a safe place to stand and hold a laptop open.
  3. Open the laptop, and ensure the video chat connection has resumed in the web browser. You may need to check Wi-Fi has re-connected and refresh your page. 
  4. Your Bondi Labs representative will be ready and waiting on the other end to collect some diagnostic information about the Wi-Fi network and video quality. 
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