The User Management page can be accessed by selecting the User Management option from the side navigation bar on the left-hand side.
- User: Someone who comes to interact with the Elixar system.
- Organisation: A self-contained group that contains all Elixar users belonging to a company/organisation.
- Account Licence Manager (ALM): A user with complete access to the organisation, including billing systems for the organisation.
- Organisation Admin: A user that can manage other users and sessions of other users in the organisation.
- Organisation User: A user that can create their own sessions and access other sessions in the organisation.
- Collaborator User: A user that can join other organisation member’s sessions.
Create New User
1. Select the New User button.
2. Enter your user’s email address.
3. Enter an initial Password for your user.
4. Enter the First and Last Name of your user.
5. Select the Role of your user (see Roles section for additional information).
6. Select Save.
Updating Users
A user’s details can be changed by selecting the View button next to that user in the User table in the User Management page.
To update a field on that page:
1. Select the field
2. Update the text
3. Click on the Save button below the field
If you are changing multiple fields, you will have to do so one at a time.
You can also delete the user by selecting the Delete User button at the bottom of the screen. This action cannot be undone.