Elixar (Web) - New Session

Learn how to create a new session
Written by Bondi Labs
Updated 1 year ago

Create a new Session

You can create a new session by first navigating to the Sessions page.

Click the "New Session" button located at the top of the page.

New Session

Select a session purpose from the list and click "Next".

Enter the new session details and click "Save" to complete the setup.

New session details include

  • Enter a session name to make it easy to find your session.
  • Enter a session description/agenda to further clarify what will happen during the session.
  • Set a start date and time for your session.
  • Select what features you want to have access to during your session.
    • Lobby - Participants must wait in a lobby before being accepted in by a host.
    • Screen Capture - Participants can capture images from feeds.
    • File Upload - Participants can upload files to the session. Other users will be able to see these files in the messages panel.

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